two-mi18n Minimalist internationalization javascript library client-side. Really minimalist. JavaScript
rock-paper-scissors Rock paper scissors simulator inspired by JavaScriptHTML
password-encoder Simple website that encodes and randomizes a given string. Useful for chunks of passwords. JavaScriptHTML
2022-homepage Quick description was displayed on waiting for portfolio. Now displayed on HTML
laDelpeche-DOTNet-LPRO University project to introduce us to website development using C# DOTNet by building an e-shop website. JavaScriptCSS
futuroVTC-Laravel-LPRO University project to introduce us to Web application development using Laravel by building a Uber like website. PHPBlade
sombreSberro-Xamarin-LPRO University project to introduce us to application development using Xamarin. C#
memory-JavaFX-LPRO University project to introduce us to Java development using JavaFx by building a Memory game. JavaCSS
breast-Cancer-AI-Python-DUT2 University project to introduce us to artificial intelligence using Python and Jupyter Notebook. Jupyter Notebook
marioBros-JavaFX-DUT2 University project to introduce us to Java game development using JavaFx by building a MarioBros clone. JavaCSS
beerBarManager-Cpp-DUT2 University project to introduce us to building projects from conception to development using C++. C++QML
android-Java-DUT2 University project to introduce us to Android application development (in Java). Java
masterDetail-CSharp-DUT1 University project to introduce us to desktop application development using C# by building a Master-Detail. C#Smalltalk
withastro/starlight 🌟 Build beautiful, accessible, high-performance documentation websites with Astro TypeScriptAstro
aaron-bond/better-comments Improve your code commenting by annotating with alert, informational, TODOs, and more! TypeScriptClojure
Alexandre-Fernandez/astro-i18n A TypeScript-first internationalization library for Astro. TypeScriptJavaScript